English, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

essay writing on rainwater harvesting for 5 pages


Answered by yogesh261


Rain Water Harvesting Essay (150 words)

Rain water harvesting is the collection of rainwater into the man made resources or any natural resource like pond, lake, etc at the same place where it falls from rooftops or ground. Two main techniques of rainwater harvesting are storage for future use and recharge into the ground. It can be used for crop harvesting, gardening, toilets, etc. Following are the benefits of rainwater harvesting at individual or city-wide level:

It helps in reducing the water supply bills especially to the institutions.

Rainwater recharged to the ground positively affects groundwater quality by diluting fluorides, nitrates and its salinity.

It contains almost neutral pH and zero hardness which makes it more able to be used in homes, industries, institutions and other commercial establishments.

It may reduce the stress of public water supply sources.

Recharge of rainwater to the ground prevents sea-water immersion into the fresh water bodies in the coastal areas.

It helps in controlling urban flooding if people do rainwater harvesting from rooftops.

It reduces water demands of people from the municipality thus lessens energy consumption too in distributing water all through the city.

Rain Water Harvesting Essay (200 words)

Rainwater harvesting means collecting the rain water into the natural reservoirs or man-made tanks. It is the technique to collect and store rainwater for various purposes in the future. The most common and easy method of rain water harvesting is the rooftop harvesting. Using this technique we can collect lots of clean rain water in the rainy season. It can be stored for long time for the household purposes like gardening, livestock, and irrigation, etc. Following are benefits of rain water harvesting:

It helps in reducing water supply loads and electricity bills of municipality, improve free water supply, crop production in rural areas, and thus lead to food security.

Rain water harvesting system helps in reducing the insecurity of households or individuals in the rural areas.

It provides easy and low cost water supply in the lack of water areas thus helps in food security and income generation.

Tamil Nadu is one of the states of India and now has been first Indian state where rainwater harvesting has been mandatory. Tamil Nadu state government has declared on 30th of May 2014 to establish around 50,000 rainwater harvesting structures at various places in the Chennai. Till now, approximately 4,000 of the temples in the Tamilnadu have rain water tanks serving at various rituals in temples and help in recharging the groundwater.

Rain Water Harvesting Essay (250 words)

It helps in rejuvenating the groundwater levels in both directly and indirectly manner. Groundwater level can be replenished by rain water harvesting methods of trenches, anicut, dug wells, contour, etc whereas other rain water harvesting methods like underground water tanks, ponds, etc help in reducing the use of groundwater for at least four to six months. It is very effective in the hilly regions and desert regions of the India and other countries. More and clean rain water can be collected in the rainy season by making large and clean water body.

Rain Water Harvesting Essay (300 words)

Now-a-days, people have been depended on the government system of water supply for getting water for their every need. The present scenario of water management and distribution in the cities has been centralized by the government which has brought a big gap of community responsibility in water management. It has slowly but regularly finished the old traditional water harvesting system.

It plays great role in protecting the ground water decline and improving the ground water table.

It helps in improving the water quality in aquifers.

It is to conserve more water and prevent surface water runoff during the monsoon.

It helps in reducing the soil erosion.

It is to bring the old tradition of water conservation among people.

Rain Water Harvesting Essay (400 words)

Rainwater harvesting is the collection and storage of rain water in the natural resources or artificially designed resources to prevent water runoff and fulfill the lack of water in future. The quantity of water harvesting is affected by the number of factors like frequency of rainfall, quantity of rainfall, way of collecting rain water, and size of resources to collect water. The ground water level is getting depleted day by day due to various reasons like deforestation and ecological imbalance. Increasing level of urbanization and industrialization constantly increases the demand of water supply especially in the urban areas. It results in the overuse of ground water and thus going low level. The risk of water scarcity in the future has been increased to a great extent and can be life threatening if some effective solutions are not good

Answered by Anushkasampa123
Hello friend!
Here's ur answer!
Rainwater harvesting is done during the rainy season. Rain is the purest form of water.Nature has endowed India with huge water resources. We have perennial rivers like Ganga, Brahmaputra, Yamuna, along with their tributaries and distributaries besides in North and Eastern India, we have spring fed and rain fed rivers in central and peninsular India-the major among these being- Godavari, Krishna, Narmada, and Kaveri.These huge potential water resources notwithstanding, we are facing a water crisis across the country. Over the years, rising population, growing industrialisation and expanding agriculture have pushed up the demand for water. Monsoon is still the main hope of our agriculture.Water conservation has become the need of the day. Rainwater harvesting is a way to capture the rainwater at the time of downpour, store that water above the ground or charge the underground water and use it .
This happens in open areas as well as in congested cities through the installation of required equipment. The collection and storage of rainwater from run-off areas such as roofs and other surfaces has been practised since ancient times in India. It is particularly useful where water supply is inadequate. This includes light drizzle and dew condensation which occurs in many parts of the country during drier months. Nature has its own systems of recharging groundwater. In forests water seeps gently into the ground as vegetation breaks the fall and flow of water. This groundwater in turn feeds wells, ponds, lakes and rivers. Protecting the forests, therefore, means protecting catchment areas. However, with the cutting down of trees, these systems are being hindered.
In urban areas, the construction of houses, roads and footpaths has left little exposed parts of earth for water to soak in. Most of the water, therefore, runs wastefully through drains. In rural areas, the water quickly takes the form of flood and flows into rivers which dry up as soon as the rain stops as the bulk of water flows away. If this water can be held back, it can seep into the ground and recharge the groundwater supply. Rain Water Harvesting as a method of utilizing rain water for domestic and agricultural use is already widely used throughout the world. It is a method which has been used since ancient times and is increasingly being accepted as a practical method of providing potable water in development projects throughout the world.
It has wide application also in urban and semi -urban areas where the quality of piped water is increasingly being decreased. the world has relied upon rainwater harvesting to supply water for household, landscape, and agricultural uses. Before city water systems were developed rainwater was collected from roofs and stored in cisterns or storage tanks. Rainwater harvesting promotes self-sufficiency and fosters an appreciation for water as a resource. It also promotes water conservation.Rainwater harvesting also conserves energy as the energy input needed to operate a centralized water system is bypassed. Many systems require only a small pump to create water pressure in household pipes.
Local erosion and flooding from impervious cover associated with buildings is lessened as a portion of local rainfall is diverted into collection tanks. Rainwater is one of the purest sources of water available. Its quality almost always exceeds that of ground or surface water.It does not come into contact with soil or rocks where it can dissolve minerals and salts nor does it come into contact with many of the pollutants that are often discharged into local surface waters or contaminate ground water supplies.
rainwater quality is influenced by where it falls. Rainfall in areas where heavy industry or crop dusting is Collecting rainwater on the roofs of building and storing it underground for later use has several advantages. It conserves water as a valuable source and stops it from running off wastefully as sewerage water. It provides water during dry season.
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