'Everything minus management amounts nothing" justify??
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Unit – I
Nature of Management - Social Responsibili Ties of Business -
Manager and Environment Levels in Management - Managerial Skills -
Planning - Steps in Planning Process - Scope and Limitations - Short Range
and Long Range Planning - Flexibility in Planning ¬Characteristics of a
sound Plan - Management by Objectives (MBO) - Policies and Strategies -
Scope and Formulation - Decision Making - Techniques and Processes.
Organising - Organisation Structure and Design - Authority
and Responsibility Relationships - Delegation of Authority and
Decentralisation - Interdepartmental Coordination - Emerging Trends
in Corporate Structure, Strategy and Culture - Impact of Technology on
Organisational design - Mechanistic vs Adoptive Structures - Formal and
Informal Organisation.
Unit – III
Perception and Learning - Personality and Individual Differences
- Motivation and Job Performance - Values, Attitudes and Beliefs - Stress
Management - Communication Types-Process - Barriers - Making
Communication Effective.
Unit – IV
Group Dynamics - Leadership - Styles - Approaches - Power and
Politics - Organisational Structure - Organisational Climate and Culture -
Organisational Change and Development.
Unit – V
Comparative Management Styles and approaches - Japanese
Management Practices Organisational Creativity and Innovation -
Management of Innovation - Entrepreneurial Management - Benchmarking
- Best Management Practices across the world - Select cases of Domestic &
International Corporations - Management of Diversity.