Expirement to show sound propagation in solid
The transmission (or conduction) of sound through a solid body means: One end of the solid body is caused to oscillate (e.g. by placing a tuning fork on it). This oscillation propagates through the solid body to the other end of the solid body. The transmission through the solid body can be heard directly as an oscillation of the other end (experiment 2) or through the air (experiments 1 and 3).
Experiment is part of an experiment set with a total of 22 experiments about generation, propagation and perception of sound, oscillations and waves
Particularly appropriate as an experiment for first contact with physics in general
With graphic student worksheets
With detailed instructor information
Optimized for tight schedules, i.e. minimum preparation time required
Examine, with the aid of several examples (a plastic ruler, the human head, a thin thread), as to whether sound cannot only propagate in air but also in solid bodies. Show that the sound of the tuning fork can no longer be heard, or that it can only
be slightly heard, through the air at a greater distance (approximately 20 cm). Demonstrate that the conduction through solid bodies over comparable distances ensures that the sound can be heard clearly.
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Ask a friend to be at one end and to WHISPER something in the tube.
You place your ear on the other end and try to hear what she wants to say
You will hear her TWO times
one through air and the second through the steel tube.
Thus sound propagates in solid