Social Sciences, asked by Rachit111111, 1 year ago

explain any three points to prove that Nazi rule was barbarous


Answered by jenilrakholiyaow86qc

(i) In Nazi Germany only Nordic German Aryans were considered 'desirable'. Jews, Gypsies, Blacks, Russians, Polish people were brutally killed in gas chambers. 

(ii) The Jews and Communists were tortured in concentration camps. Even 'undesirable children' were segregated and taken to the gas chambers. 

(iii) Special surveillance and security forces were created to control and carried atrocities against the selected group of innocent people. The extra constitutional powers given to them, which made Nazi state its reputation as the most dreaded criminal state. 

Answered by Anonymous


1) The barbarous nature of Nazi rule can be seen from the fact that apart from the deaths caused by war, the Nazi killed nearly 6 million European Jews as part of their plan of holocaust.

2) Since the Nazis considered Slavs as sub human, entire villages in Soviet Union were finished off by starvation and forced labour.

3) On both the western and eastern front, the Nazis used civilians as defenses and followed a scorched earth policy of burning down entire towns and blowing bridges while withdrawing.

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