Physics, asked by adhtithyan10, 11 months ago

explain Einstein's mass energy relation for the chapter sources of energy of class 10th


Answered by Sheebasaji

E=mc^2  m is mass lost and c represent  mass lost during fission

Answered by Anonymous


Conservation of mass-energy

The idea of energy as a real constituent of matter has, however, become too deeply rooted to be abandoned lightly, and most physicists find it useful to continue treating electric and magnetic fields as more than mathematical constructions. Far from being empty, free space is viewed as a storehouse for energy, with E and B providing not only an inventory but expressions for its movements as represented by the momentum carried in the fields. Wherever E and B are both present, and not parallel, there is a flux of energy, amounting to E ∧ B/μ0, crossing unit area and moving in a direction normal to the plane defined by E and B. This energy in motion confers momentum on the field, E ∧ B/μ0c, per unit volume as if there were mass associated with the field energy. Indeed, the English physicist J.J. Thomson showed in 1881 that the energy stored in the fields around a moving charged particle varies as the square of the velocity as if there were extra mass carried with the electric field around the particle. Herein lie the seeds of the general mass–energy relationship developed by Einstein in his special theory of relativity; E = mc2 expresses the association of mass with every form of energy. Neither of two separate conservation laws, that of energy and that of mass (the latter particularly the outcome of countless experiments involving chemical change), is in this view perfectly true, but together they constitute a single conservation law, which may be expressed in two equivalent ways—conservation of mass, if to the total energy E is ascribed mass E/c2, or conservation of energy, if to each mass m is ascribed energy mc2. The delicate measurements by Eötvös and later workers (see above) show that the gravitational forces acting on a body do not distinguish different types of mass, whether intrinsic to the fundamental particles or resulting from their kinetic and potential energies. For all its apparently artificial origins, then, this conservation law enshrines a very deep truth about the material universe, one that has not yet been fully explored.

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