English, asked by batoolpartapurwala, 5 hours ago

Explain rose of god poem by Aurobindo​


Answered by sivanichowdaryuppala


'Rose of God’by Sri Aurobindo unfolds before us in the succession of vibrant images the whole mystical metaphysics and psychology-many-sided system exploring the secrets of the Divine Rose. In the poem, Rose of God, There are two main concepts rounds which the words are woven the descending super mind and the ascending sun.

The Rose of God which is equated with the rising sun and the descending super mind is characterized in the opening stanza by two attributes, bliss and passion. The vermillion sun on the blue sky appears like a Kumkumam mark on the forehead of a beautiful woman. The redness is the symbol of passion and the sapphire of blue heaven stands for the limitless infinity. Therefore the Sun is called the Passion Flower of the Nameless. God, the Absolute, cannot be comprehended through qualities. So, man attributes qualities to Him for the purpose of realization or it can be said that the absolute itself manifests to man through assumed qualities. This is the passion of God, who is really beyond all naming.

Man has to use symbols to express the indefinable. So the poet calls the Sun’bud of the mystical name’, that is, the Prijakshara OM, which stands for all the Mantras. ‘OM’ or pravana is taken to be the truest symbol of God head. The poet invoices this passion flower to rise up in the human heart, like an upward streaming flame. This is an allusion to the Kundalini which rises from the Muladhara and passing through four more plexes goes up to the Sahasrara. The consequence of the up going flame is bliss. The poet calls it fire-sweet, that is, as flaming as the fire and as sweet as nectar. He says the rising of the sun in the sky at the dawn produces the seven – coloured spectrum which is the symbol for the seven levels of ecstasy defined in Yoga tents like ‘Yoga – Vasishta’. Thus in the first stanza, the eagerness of God to come to man is powerfully underlined by the symbol of the sun eagerly rising in the Eastern sky.

In the second stanza, the attributes dealt with are those of Light and time. In the first stanza, the miracle was said to happen in the heart of man. In this stanza the transformation is in the mind of man. Light stands for unclouded knowledge. The Sun is obviously the symbol of the grandest light. In the Gita we find that the splendor of the Lord’s Visvarupa or cosmic from has been hesitatingly described as a splendors of a thousand suns rising simultaneously. The sun drives away all darkness and takes us to the summit of wisdom. n terms of the kumkumam the summit stands for the thousand – petal led Lotus, reeling which the Yogi has nothing more to achieve. It is theultimate seeing , and it is immaculate in the sense that the Sahasra is represented as pure white. So , he calls the sun a golden flower of mystery.

The sun is the maker of time and as such represents the God head which is beyond all time, but comes down to man in time as an incarnation. And this incarnation, the poet calls the guest of the marvelous hour. A quest is called an atithi, that is, one who comes without previous appointment. The descent of the super mind depends on the Grace of God and cannot be scheduled according to any time – table. But once the super mind arrives time itself becomes a marvel, because hence forth the shackling effect if time is lost living in time the aspirant becomes timeless. This is the result of the divine quest arriving unexpectedly. So, he is called the quest of marvelous hour.

In the third stanza, the attribute dealt with are power and Immortality. The poet calls the sun the source of all power. This is scientifically true because all the sources of energy with which we run our industries can be traced ultimately to the sun. Science tells us that the four fuels. firewood, coal, water power and petroleum, all originate from solar light and heat. Hence it is extremely appropriate that the sun is worshiped as the grants of power. So, the poet calls the sun the granter of right. Icon means image. He calls it also the damask force of infinity. Damask is defined as blush red. So, it brings to our mind the scene of an infinite power that is also infinitely tenders. The sun not only gives us power but tenderly. Nourishes the smallest life.

The power of sun shatters the darkness of ignorance. This is composed to a diamond drill breaking up rocks and releasing the life – giving waters. The power resides in the will and therefore the poet entreats the sun to set ablaze the will of man,and make him relies the pattern of the lord’s creation. When we know the design our own lines into great elegance and fulfillment, drawing power from the source of all power. There fore, for poet calls the sun the Image of Immortality. An image is finite, but what it represents is Infinite. Man lives only for a brief period. But within the period if the life is divinized, it can have eternal significance. He calls it an outbreak because the power of the Divine Shatters all limitations.

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