explain the centre state relationship in India in detail in points also
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Centre State Relations in India
Category: Indian GovernmentOn February 24, 2014 By Vikash Mehra
The framers of the Indian Constitution were fully conscious of the need for a strong Centre. They made suitable legislative, administrative and financial provisions in the Constitution designed to give the Central Government powers adequate for coping with all threats to the country’s integrity and for ensuring necessary uniformity, co-ordination and harmony in administrative standards. But they also recognized that the State Governments should not be made mere agents of the Centre but should be invested with extensive powers so that each State may be free to pursue its own way of life and develop its resources without let or hindrance. They reconciled unity with diversity in a way fair to all parties concerned.
The extremists on both sides are dissatisfied with the existing arrangements. Some persons advocate the scrapping of the federal scheme and its substitution by the unitary system of Government. They think that federalism has weakened the Central Government stood in the way of effective planning for development, encouraged fissiparous tendencies and subversive forces and created the danger of disintegration. The champions of the autonomy of States, on the other hand, deplore the unitary bias of the Constitution as incompatible with the federal spirit and with creative freedom, and urge transfer of more powers and resources from the Centre to the States to make their autonomy a reality. In a vast country like India where different regions have different cultures and different political, social and economic conditions, they argue, diversity should be allowed full scope. According to them, excessive centralization produces apoplexy at the Centre and anemia at the circumference.
However, after 1990, centre state governments changed significantly.
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Homework Help > CBSE > Class 10 > Social Science
Explain centre state relations
Posted by Arthi Nalawde 10 months ago
CBSE > Class 10 > Social Science
1 answers
Payal Singh10 months ago
Centre-State relations" of Indian Federalism constitute the core of federalism and they are regulated by the provisions of the Constitution.