Explain the concept of recycling in the conservation of resources.
1. A nautical mile is a unit of measurement used in both air and marine navigation.
2. the waters under the jurisdiction of a state, especially the part of the sea within a stated distance of the shore (traditionally three miles from low-water mark).
3. an area of coastal water and seabed within a certain distance of a country's coastline, to which the country claims exclusive rights for fishing, drilling, and other economic activities
4. .
• Resources are facing rapid depletion.
• 2.Many natural disasters occurs due to this depletion.
• 3.some areas have abundant resources whereas some areas are devoid of these resources.
• Natural habitats in forests are also facing problems due to this.
6. Sustainable development is a goal which have to achieve in every countries, not only small or big countries it's all about whole world.
7. Alternative sources of energy to replace the use of fossil fuels. To overcome the growing usage and limited supply of water.
8. It aims for achieving Global Sustainable Development.It is an agenda to fight environmental damage, poverty, disease etc.
9. India has enormous diversity in availability of resources. There are regions which are rich in certain types of resources.,but deficient in some other resources. There are some regions which can be considered self-sufficient in terms of availability of resources, where as three some region ith shortage of som vital resources.
10. Preparation of inventory of resources. Evaluation in terms of availability for development. Planning for exploitation of resources.