Biology, asked by salim92431, 11 months ago

Explain the importance of sports medicine in modern sports


Answered by Sumitmbbs

The importance of sports is being recognized increasingly day by day room both the educational and social points of view. A sound mind in a sound body is the ideal of a better life. We can perform our duties well when our body and mind work at their best and they cannot do so unless both are in good order. Our limbs need to be supple, active and obedient to the will. Given to the habit of games and sports right from childhood makes we fit in body and mind. The order and discipline in games and sports makes us capable to face all the odds and responsibilities of life in a smoother way. Educationists and other social scientists are of the view that enough attention should be given to the promotion of sports, by providing enough funds for games and sports for the boys and girls in schools and colleges, as these fastens friendship and amity, give a healthy direction to the excessive energies of the youth and make them better and responsible citizens of tomorrow. Gone are the days when participation in games and sports was considered wastage of time for students preparing for their examinations. Now it is felt strongly that the students good in sports turn out to show good results in their examinations and other extracurricular activities.

In the past, sports like hunting and fishing used to be mainly utilitarian in purpose. Men used to hunt in order to get food. But with the dawn of Greek civilization sports came to be looked upon as a means of building us the body beautiful. It is common knowledge means that the Greeks excelled is shaping the human body most gracefully and beautifully. The famous Olympic Sports, held every fourth year, were proof of the importance given to sports and exercises. They have been revived from 1896, and are now held once every four years at various centers. Sports and athletics have now come to stay in our civilization as an essential feature of human activity and their object is not merely utilitarian. While sports give shape and strength to the body, they also instill the spirit of discipline and team work. Games like cricket, hockey and football are popular because of the spirit of team work which they inspire. It is said that the victories of British Empire were gained not on the battle fields so much, as on the playgrounds of public schools like Eton. The statement that “ the battle of Waterloo was won on the play fields of Eton” implies that playing games and the spirit of sportsmanship helps to inculcate lasting values which make for good soldiers, good fighters and good discipline. In British schools and colleges the fullest importance is given to sports. The result has been the creation of a healthy, well developed, disciplined and efficient society in which people know the right proportions in life, put everything in the right perspective and seldom conduct them in an unsporting, ungentlemanly and unbecoming manner. Playing game on the playground naturally instructs people to play the game of life in the right spirit, which is what matters most, not victory or defeat.

Physical fitness is of the utmost importance for everyone, young and old. Participation in games and sports invariably ensures good health, fitness and, generally freedoms from almost all kinds of ailments which find easy victims among people who take no physical exercise and are either lazy, indolent or desk bound or book worms and keep studying all the time. Ailing bodies never make for sharp brains. Exercise in some form or another is necessary, and sports provide an easy method to ensure such fitness.

For youth, especially, regular participation in sports provides a healthy channel for diversion of energies. Wherever students and other youth participate in sports regularly they ensure constructive sublimation. Misdirection of youthful vigor is lessened and the tendency to indulge in indiscipline and mischief, disruptive activity of various kinds is curbed. They learn not only to be

Answered by Anonymous

Sports Medicine Benefits. ... They understand the impacts of sports and exercise on their patients' bodies, such as concussions and repetitive motion injuries, and they work closely with orthopedic surgeons and physical therapists to develop tailored treatment plans that suit each patient's specific needs.

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