Science, asked by aysh1, 1 year ago

explain the life cycle of chick with diagram


Answered by aarushikaur1

When a hen is six months old, she begins laying eggs. She lays one egg every day. If no rooster is around, these eggs will never hatch into baby chickens. 

But things change if a rooster is around a hen. A rooster will try to attract a hen by performing a special dance. If a hen accepts his dance, the two birds mate. After this happens, the hen will lay fertilized eggs.every chick starts out as a single cell, an ovum, in a mother hen’s body. This cell joins together with a male cell from the rooster. Together, they form an embryo. This embryo becomes part of the egg growing inside the hen.

When an egg forms inside a hen, these layers are created one by one. The egg starts as a yolk. The embryo sits on the edge of this yolk. It looks like a tiny white dot. The yolk moves down a tube in the hen’s body called the oviduct. As the yolk passes through the oviduct, the hen’s body adds the albumen around it. The oviduct adds a thin membrane around the albumen. Before the egg exits the hen, it is covered in a calcium-rich shell. The hen is now ready to lay the egg! It takes her a full day to create an egg. Whether fertilized or not, the process for making an egg is the same.A hen lays her egg in the morning. Over a few days, the hen will lay a clutch, or group of eggs, in a nest. A normal clutch has twelve eggs. The hen sits on her clutch to incubate the eggs. She makes sure they don’t get too cold or too dry. The hen must incubate the eggs for 21 days before they will hatch.

Every embryo needs food and a safe place to grow. This is what the egg provides. After a hen lays an egg, the hard shell protects the embryo inside. The albumen acts like a cushion. The hen will make sure the egg stays warm and safe, but she cannot feed the growing chick because it is stuck inside the shell. Luckily, the egg contains enough food to help the embryo grow strong. The yolk and albumen have all the protein and vitamins a chick will need until it hatches.At first, the inside of the egg looks like the eggs you buy at a supermarket. The embryo is just a tiny white dot on the yolk. But that changes quickly.

During the first day of incubation, the embryo begins to develop a brain and eyes. During the second day, the heart begins to form. At the end of the day, the heart begins to beat. During the first two days, the embryo forms blood vessels. These blood vessels spread out over the yolk. They pull in nutrients from the yolk to help the embryo grow. By the seventh day, the embryo has head, a body, and tiny wings and legs. But it still looks more like a pink ball than a fluffy baby chick.As the embryo grows inside the egg, the mother hen turns the egg several times a day. If she doesn’t, the yolk and embryo will float to the top of the egg and stick to the inside of the shell.

After a week of developing in the egg, the embryo has started forming a beak. After ten days, the embryo is already growing tiny feathers! After thirteen days, the embryo starts forming claws on the ends of its toes.

During the second week, the embryo forms a small, hard bump on the end of its beak. This is called the egg tooth. The egg tooth is important for any animal that hatches from an egg. It allows an animal to break open its shell when it is time to hatch.By the start of the third week, the embryo fills up most of the egg. The embryo’s bones begin to harden. It pulls in calcium from the eggshell in order to do this. Just like people, growing chicks need calcium for healthy bones.

While the shell looks solid, it actually has thousands of tiny holes. The shell allows air to enter the egg. One area of the egg contains a pocket of air. Two days before it hatches, the chick moves its beak toward the air pocket inside the egg. Then, it begins breathing with its lungs for the first time.

A day before hatching, the chick pulls the rest of the yolk into its body. This is like eating a big meal before running a race. The chick will need the energy for the day it hatches. A few hours before hatching, the chick starts chirping in its shell. It is letting its mother hen know it’s almost time to hatch! After 21 days of growing, the chick begins to peck at the inside of its shell using its egg tooth. This is called pipping. Soon, it breaks a hole in the shell. The chick takes a breath of fresh air and relaxes for a few hours. Then, it starts to turn its head and peck at the rest of the shell. It forms a line of cracks so that the top of the egg can swing open like a lid.

With a great push, the chick flings off the top of the shell and falls out. It is wet and too tired to do anything but rest. Hatching may take a few hours or more than a day.

After a rest, the chick rises to its feet and starts walking. Its wet feathers dry out. The feathers on a newborn chick are called down. They are fuzzier and softer than the feathers on an adult chicken.

eventually this chicken grows to form a mother hen and the cycle continues.

Answered by sofy2
A mother chicken is known as HEN. The life of a chick(life cycle) starts with her only .When she will lay the egg.The would have a big yellow yolk where the chick is getting developed it grows in it only.The yolk floats in the egg white,which protects the egg not only this it also has water for the chick
now let me tell you :-
a chick comes out after 3 weeks of laying the egg
and just after 3 months the chick changes into a adult chicken
hope this helps you:)
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