Explain the nutrition in human being process.
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Heterotrophs like Human beings dont prepare their own food. Such organisms depend on other organisms for nutrition. These organisms either inside or outside their bodies break their food into simpler substances and then absorb it. Also, some organisms like tapeworms, leeches, etc. dont harm or kill other oragnisms for nutrition but host them, more simpler, suck out their nutrition. In Human Beings the food is broken inside the body and then absorbed by the multifarious parts of the Digestive system called Alimentary canal. The HCl acid, Enzyme Pepsil and some other digestive juices in the stomach digests/churns/breaks the food into simpler substances and also digests the protiens. Later the Small Intestines absorb Carbohydrates, fats and protiens and digests them. Since the food is in the Acidic form it has to be made alkaline in order to carry out the digestion and abosrption of food. Bile juice made by the liver makes it alkaline. Similar to this many Glands secrete juices to digest diffent substances. Digested food is absorbed by the walls of small intestines having numerous finger like projection called "villi". These villi are highly supplied bu blood vessels in order to transfer the nutrients absorbed to any part of the body where it is needed. Same does the Large intestine do.
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