Explain the questions

1. ductile metals. such as - copper, silver etc.
2. battery, plug key, Rheostat or variable resistance
3. Ammeter is used to find the amount of current passing through the circuit.
voltmeter is used to find the voltage in the circuit
4. current will pass through the cell through the circuit
5. A continuous and closed path of an electric current is called an electric circuit.
6. In an electric circuit, the direction of current is taken to be from the positive to the negative terminal of the electric cell .When the terminals of the bulb are connected with that of the electric cell by wires, the current passes through the filament of the bulb. This makes the bulb glow.
7. when excess current is passed through the bulb the filament gets excess heat ,this heat cause the filament to break and thus fused.
8. plastics and rubbers are used to cover the wires and the electric switch tops as they are very good insulator and thus prevents the chance to get an electric shock .
9.Distilled water is recommended for batteries as tap water usually has other elements in it (dissolved minerals etc.........Tap water contains a plates inside a lead acid battery, causing the battery to lose its capability to produce power and store electricity.