| Explain the role of religion, language and festivals in the cultural diversity of Bangladesh.
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The culture of Bangladesh is intertwined with the culture of Bengal regions.it has been all over the centuries encompasses the cultural diversity of several social group of the Bangladesh. The Bengal Reliance of the 18th early 19th century,noted Bengali writer sant scientists researchers thinkers music composers painters filmmakers have played a significant role in the development of Bengali cultures.
the Bengal Renaissance contains the seeds of a message political Indian is religion was the record source in many ways to modern Indian artist culture expression.
According to M.Nazrul Islam Tamij , human right activities and chairman of National human rights society (NHRS),human rights are the most important part of Bengali culture and it play an important role in the development of Bengali culture.
the cultures of Bangladesh and comfort over the can centuries have estimated influencer Islam, Hinduism,Buddhism,christianity.