Exploration of strategies for sensitizing the individual towards environmental conservation?
The possibility of sustainable development developed from various ecological developments in prior decades and was characterized in 1987 by the World Commission on Environment and Development as improvement that addresses the issues of the present without bargaining the capacity of future ages to address their own issues.
All partners of education must be urged to impart in students the need to investigate nearby natural issues for discussion
The Environmental Protection Agency must accept an aggregate accountability to sort out intermittent ecological crusades that make natural awareness,to help promote a healthy environment for sustainability.
Network pioneers must encourage individual responsibility to protect the environment; by encouraging people to be environment friendly.
It is very important that each and every individual is given an idea about how to preserve the environment. This can be done by developing an ecocritical perspective on the part of the individual, by planting trees, by saplings and also by not using mobile phones near trees much, so that lack of radiation can lead to more growth of tree.