Chemistry, asked by Anonymous, 10 months ago

extraction of copper from copper pyrite

naina0529: hi
Anonymous: hi
naina0529: how was ur day?
naina0529: sry. I was busy IN answering


Answered by Aniketastronaut
The concentrated ore is heated in excess supply of air on the hearth of reberberatory furnace below its melting point. The different changes during roasting are:

a. Moisture and volatile impurities are driven out.

b. Non-metallic impurities like sulphur, phosphorous, arsenic etc. are removed as their oxides.

S + O2      →             SO2

P4 + SO2        →       2P2O5

c. Copper pyrite dissociates into individual sulphide

2CuFeS2 + O2    →         Cu2S + 2FeS + SO2     major r × n

Small amount of metal sulphides are oxidized to oxides.

2FeS + 3O2     →       2FeO   + SO2             minor reaction

2Cu2S + 3O2   →       2CuO  + 2SO

Answered by Anonymous
see .. copper pyrite Isa ore which formula is cufes2 ...

hence there is impurities of sulfer .

1 so forth floating method or .. magnetic separation method will be used in constration of ore .. so .. see ..

2 now is time of . oxidation .. at here we use . roasting .. for removing .. sulfer from the ore. ..
3. now it's time of reduction .. cu is a reducing agent .. it can reduce it self thatethode is called self reducing process .. in here .
cu2s +O2= cu2o
cu2o +cu2s = cu+ so2 ....

4 now it's time of refining. . some method of refining is following ....
poling method.
electrolytic separation .

last thing. see u have nothing there is Fe. but didn't used to come without. a. in fussable. impurites of si2o3. (silica). so .. we will used .. here a basic flux. because silica is acidic ..
for making it fussable ....

first time it a bda and Diya ..but essa lg ..ours lesson revise hua thx sir for asking ....

name hp

Anonymous: if u got then mark if u like.
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