Read the following passage carefully and underline all the errors of verb tense in it.
Rewrite the erroneous sentences correctly:
It was a girl of about Anthea's age. Her hair was short and fair, and though her skin is
tanned by the sun, you could see that it would have been fair too if it had had a chance.
She has every chance of being tanned, for her clothes were threadbare, and the four
English children, carefully dressed in frocks, hats, shoes, stockings, coats, and collars
envy her more than any words of theirs could possibly say. There was no doubt that
here is the right costume for that climate. She carried a pot on her head, of red and black
earthenware. She does not see the children, who shrank back against the edge of the
jungle, and she went forward to the edge of the river to fill her pitcher. As she is going,
she made a strange sort of droning, humming, melancholy noise. The girl filled the
pitcher and sets it down by the river bank. Then she waded into the water and stooped
over the circle of cut reeds. She was pulling half a dozen fine fish out of the water within
the reeds. Then she picked up the pitcher and turns to come back. And as she turned she
saw the four children. The white dresses of Jane and Anthea are standing out like snow
against the dark forest background. She screamed and the pitcher fell, and the water was
spills out over the hard mud surface and over the fish, which had fallen too. Then the
water is slowly trickling away into the deep cracks.
Answered by
yyes I read the following passage
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