fifty seven? मेगस्थनीज के अनुसार सैन्य प्रशासन की कितनी समितियाँ विद्यमान थी? समझाड How many committees of Military administration existed according to megasthenes.
Answer:According to Megasthenese, the empire exercised a military of 600,000 ... Megasthenes referred for six committees
Megasthenes was an ancient traveller who assigned the below given as the committees under the Mauryan Empire -
1. Committee of Industries, which took care of all the economic productivity.
2. Committee of Foreigners, which took the record of all the foreign visitors in the kingdom.
3. Committee of registration of birth and death, which record the number of births and deaths in the kingdom.
4. Committee of Trade, which regulates the economy of goods and services, and the import and export.
5. Committee of manufacture and sale of good, which is directed to the Committee of Trade
6. Committee of sales tax, which connects and regulates the work done under the trade committee.