fill in the blank following

put your name and address in the first 3 lines then month of the date 14th whichever you want and in the last 2 lines your name and signature if required.
thank you for giving me the opportunity to help you with this thing. feel free to ask your doubts regarding anything , study hard all the very best and best wishes for your future endeavours take care.

The Principal
XYZ School
14th December,2020
Subject: Application to excuse from online classes.
Respected Sir
With due respect,it is to inform you that I, Armaan Kaushik, am a student of class 8th. I would like to bring to your kind notice that I will not to be able to attend online classes for four days because my father is going out of station to attend a family function. We have only one android phone in our family. I shall be grateful to you if you excuse me from attending online classes from 16th December to 19th December.
Thanking you.
Yours obediently
Armaan Kaushik