find the number of digits that can be used to numbering a book of 600 pages
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Step-by-step explanation:
492 digits are required.
If your book has no preface pages and foreword pages numbered by Roman numerals,then the answer is 492.
To number 200 pages we need numbers 1-200 which includes 9 one digit numbers(1-9),90 two digit numbers(10-99) and 101 (100-200)three digit numbers.
The number of digits required to number pages 1-9: 1*9 = 9 since they are all one digit numbers.
The number of digits required to number pages 10-99 : 90*2 (since they all are two digit numbers)= 180
The number of digits required to number pages 100-200 : 101*3(since they all are 3 digit numbers)= 303
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