Evaluate the following expressions given the functions below:
g(x) = -3x + 1
f(x) = x2 + 7
h(x) = 12/X
j(x) = 2x + 9
a. g(10) =
b. f(3) =
c. h(–2) =
d. j(7) =
e. h(a)
f. g(b+c)
Step-by-step explanation:
p = ~3EJx(a+b)1 ma2b2;
p = ~/l2EJx Ima2(4a+3b);
p = ~(cl +3EJx I mI3).
Ins t r u c t ion. In accordance with the force method, the canonical form of the differ-
ential equation of motion for a system with the single degree of freedom is
y = 811 (-my).
Here, 811 is the displacement of the load under the action of a unit force in the direction
coinciding with this displacement. Therefore, the frequency of free vibrations is
p =11 Jm811 •
(a) p =~EJx Im13 ;
(b) p = ~48EJx I 7ml3 ;
(c) p = ~6EJx I mh2(h+b);
(d) p = ~12EJx Ima2 (4a+3b).
As an example of the determination of the compliance (coefficients for stati-
cally indeterminate systems), we consider Problem 2d. Breaking the
constraint (under the assumption that the constraint between the load of mass m
and the base surface is bilateral), we apply the force N (the constraint reaction
a = -29
b = 13
c = -6
d = 23
-sorry i dont know the rest!
Step-by-step explanation: