for world war 1 pls help

What were the main threats to peace in Europe at the beginning of 20th century?
Germany's Growth:
After the unification of Germany and Italy in 1870, Germany improved both politically and economically. Her goods were sold fast in the market which made the Britain angry. So, it plots to insult Germany
Moroccan Problem:
France occupied Morocco and made it as a puppet state. Britain supported it but Germany refused it. So, for treaty Germany sent her two warships Berlin and Panther to Britain. When Britain insulted by withdrew her ships, it created a sense of vengeance in the mind of Germany.
Alsace and Lorraine:
France lost its territory Alsace and Lorraine to Germany. Actually, Alsace and Lorraine are the fertile land. France thought that these territories making the Germany more rich and popular and wish to return it from Germany.
Secret Alliances:
Germany created secret Alliances with Italy, Austria and Hungary. It created fear in the minds of Britain. So, Britain allied with France and Russia.
Balkan War:
The First and second Balkan war made Turkey and Bulgaria as a defeaters. It doesn't satisfied with the war. So, they joined with Germany.
Assassination of Ferdinard:
Last but the immediate reason, Serbian lad assassinated Austrian Prince Francis Ferdinand and his wife Isabella. So, the war sparked. As Germany supported Austria, Russia; France; and Britain supported Serbia and fought with Germany.