English, asked by pallucyan7th6i, 1 year ago

Format of letter writing


Answered by Jaspreetsethi
1) Your AddressYour address should be displayed in the top right-hand section. This will enable the person that you are writing to, to reply.

2) The Address of the person you are writing to
This address should be displayed beneath your address on the left-hand side, remember to include the name of the person that you are writing to (if known).


This should be displayed on the right-hand side of the page on the line beneath your address and should be written in full format:

e.g.1st January 2001

Salutation & Greeting:

1) Dear Sirs,
If you do not know the name of the person that you are writing to, use the greeting "Dear Sirs,". In some circumstances it is useful to find a name, especially if you are making a request as this will show that you have done your homework and you are more likely to receive a response.

2) Dear Mr Jones,If you know the name, use one of the following titles:

Mr- for a male
Mrs- for a married female
Miss- for an unmarried female
Ms- for a female whose status is unknown or would prefer to remain anonymous
Dr- for a person with the status of a doctor

This should be followed by the surname only (not the first name).


1) Yours faithfully,
If you do not know the name of the person, conclude with "Yours faithfully,".

2) Yours sincerely,
If you know the name of the person, conclude with "Yours sincerely,".

3) Your signatureSign your name, then print it underneath the signature. If it is potentially unclear what your title would be then include this in brackets next to your printed name.

Answered by Anonymous

Format of letter writing :

(1) Senders address :

The senders address, this is the address given by the sender or the person who have written his letter. This should be written on the top of the letter at the left corner below the heading "Letter writing".



• S. NayanShreyas,

• Class : VIII - "B" ,

• Kendriya Vidyalaya,

• Ooty.

(2) Date :

This is most important for a letter writing to know when the letter is written and the date must be written with day, month and year as well the as the date should be written below the senders address .


• 1 January, 2020 or

• January 1, 2020 or

• Monday, 1 January 2020

(3) Reciver's address :

The reciver's address, this is the address of the person who receives the letter written my you. This is must to know that the sender has sent the letter to whom. This can be written below the data and also the official letters were not addressed to the individual but to his/her official capacity derigrating.


• The edited "the times of India", bahadru.

shah zafar, New Delhi 110054. or

To (receiver's address):

• The Class Teacher,

• Class: VIII - "B",

• Kendriya Vidyalaya,

• Ooty.

(4) Subject :

In a letter the subject should be written must to know the reason for what the letter is written to him/her . It must be in official letters, It must be brief not more than 5 or 6 lines. This must be written In a single or trouble lines.


• "Leave for 2 days".

• Regarding damage of books.

(5) Salutation :

This is the most important part and this is the complementary greetings to the person whom the letter is addressed.


• Dear Sir.

• Respected Sir.

• Dear Mr.Gupta.

Note :

The appropriate tittle (Mr, Mrs, Miss) should be used before name.

(6) Body :

This is the Content of the letter, It must be brief and to the right point of the subject.

(7) Subscription :

This is very important and should be written below "Thanking you" .Even thank you is subscription.


• Your's sincerely.

• Your's affectionately.

• Your's obediently.

Your sign, name and designation.


Name: NayanShreyas.

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