from the ancient time our trade and cultural contacts with the world have continued. explain the statement with examples from history
The Global Climate Change Alliance Plus (GCCA+) is a European Union initiative designed to help the world's most vulnerable countries address climate change. Between its founding in 2008 and 2019, it had funded over 70 projects of national, regional and worldwide scope in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and the Pacific.
a. India has benefited from its location which has helped her to maintain relations with other countries from time immemorial. b. India through its maritime routes and land routes which cuts across various passes , mountains has maintained trade and cultural links with other countries. c. India’s trade flourished, spices, mulsin were traded from India to the outside world. d. We may also give example of silk route that passed through many countries of Asia and Europe. Chinese pottery, spices, silk also travelled from India and South East Asia through these routes. e. Through these routes , Many ideas of India’s mythology , from Ramayana , Mahabaratha, India’s decimal system could reach out to the World.? f. India was also influenced from the cultural contacts with other countries, like for example the influence of Greek sculpture, and the architectural styles of dome and minarets from West Asia are evident in the country. g. One can also give example of The rise of Islam in India can be attributed with the trading activities with Arab traders in the ancient times , 7th century A.D. Later, in the 12th century with Turkish invasion Islam established itself in North India. h. One may also give example of spread of Buddhism in the ancient period by Asoka who had then sent missionaries to various countries . Buddhism travelled via silk route to China, South Eaat Asia and Central Asia.