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⨳ The intensity of magnetic Field in A is less than in B {Option D}
- In the first case [A] we see that the resistors are connected in series whereas the other one is connected in parallel
- So here we know that when two or more resistors are connected in series then they just add up to give the equivalent resistance
- When two or more resistors are connected in series then the resultant resistance gets reduced unlike series connection
- So as we know we can increase the strength of the electomagnet by increasing the current passing through them
- Current is inversely proportional to resistance and we can see it from the Ohm's law
- So as we know that in case one [A] the resistance will be higher and so the current will be low
- Then obviously in case two as the resistance is low then the current will be stronger than that on in case 1
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a answer true
b answer false
c answer false
d answer true
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