give list of literary source of mediaeval Indian history write given literary source are biography, autobiography, Court Chronicle ,forigin Travellers account , or Royal decarr
The periods from A.D. (CE) 700 to 1200
and from A.D. (CE) 1200 to 1700 are classified
as Early Medieval and Later Medieval periods,
respectively, in Indian history. Numerous and
varied sources are fortunately available to the
historians engaging in the study of Medieval
India. Added to the information that can be
gleaned from inscriptions, monuments and
coins are the accounts left by Arab, Persian and
Turkish chroniclers. These accounts are rich in
detail and have given first-hand information on
the life of kings, though they provide very little
information on the life of the common people.
The opinions of the courtiers and chroniclers
are often one-sided, written in a hyperbolic
language, exaggerating the king’s achievements.
Let us now explore the various sources available
for the study of the history of Medieval India.
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