English, asked by kithmini, 1 year ago

Give me an explanation on,prefixes and suffixes,with examples for one by one


Answered by Anonymous
Heya !!

Here is your answer..

Prefix - the word which is placed in front of the word and modify it's meaning.

Example : re exam.

It means that the exam will happen once again.

Suffix - The word which is added at the last of word and change it's meaning.

Example : happiness.

Hope it helps.

AkshithaZayn: ^ -^ good one
Answered by AkshithaZayn
Hey there!

Let's dive in XD

=> Pre-fixes : • Pre-fixes are letters which are added before a word to change it's meaning.

• It can be used to make an opposite word to the meaning of the word the pre-fix is added.

• eg : base word : possible
pre-fixed word : impossible
(here opposite meaning)

base word : war
pre-fixed war : pre-war
(here meaning change)

• Some common pre-fixes are :

-extra (extraordinary)
-down (downstream)
-mid (midnight)
-mis (miserable)
-non (non-payment)
-up (upgrade)

• There are writing pre-fixes which are done by hyphens

eg : -super (super-model)

=> Suffixes : • Suffixes, are simply, in one way, opposite to Pre-fixes. That is, they are added at the end or after the word to make a new word other than base word.

• Adding Suffixes often change the word's meaning or entirely convert the word.

for eg : adding -ful can change verbs to adjectives.

• suffixes can cause spelling changes :0

for eg : beauty + ful = beautiful.
able + ity = ability

• Actually, there are noun, verb and adjective, adverb Suffixes :sweat-smile: :

√Noun Suffixes

-or (director)
-er (teacher)
-ee (employee)
-ist (capatilist)
-ment (dissappointment)

√Verb Suffixes

-ify (beautify)
-en (harden)
-ate (complicate)

√Adjective Suffixes

-en (broken) -_-
-i (Pakistani)
-less (hopeless)

√Adverb suffixes

-ly (calmly)
-wards (downwards)

Hope ye are clear :grin:


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