Give me some story writing headlines
How to write catchy headlines
Too often the headline is the most neglected part of writing an article. People just gloss over it without taking much time to consider it. In their minds, it’s the cherry on top. No, friends; it’s not. The headline is the sundae.
I sometimes deliberate over titles for 30–60 minutes before settling on one that works. And I often go back and change them. This is what it takes to write a good headline.
If you need some help concocting catchier headlines, here are a few simple tricks (you can also watch me walk you through this in the free video and checklist that accompanies this post):
Use numbers to give concrete takeaways
Use numbers to give concrete takeawaysUse emotional objectives to describe your reader’s problem
Use numbers to give concrete takeawaysUse emotional objectives to describe your reader’s problemUse unique rationale to demonstrate what the reader will get out of the article
Use numbers to give concrete takeawaysUse emotional objectives to describe your reader’s problemUse unique rationale to demonstrate what the reader will get out of the articleUse what, why, how, or when
Use numbers to give concrete takeawaysUse emotional objectives to describe your reader’s problemUse unique rationale to demonstrate what the reader will get out of the articleUse what, why, how, or whenMake an audacious promise
please make brilliant.mmmmmm