give some value based questions based on case study class 9 economics ch poverty as a challenge!
Question.l. Suggest any four ways to reduce poverty in India. [CBSE 2015]
Answer. (i) There is need to invest in agriculture and industrial sector. The investment in both these sectors will lead to higher economic growth. The higher economic growth rate is expected to provide to more economic opportunities.
(ii) Increasing stress on universal free elementary education will help in the formation of human capital.
(iii) There is need to check high birth rate. The high birth rate leads to a mismatch between resources and population.
(iv) There is need for to empower women and economically weaker sections of society.
Question.2. What is the basic aim of following poverty alleviation programmes ?
(i) Prime Minister Rozgar Yozana (PMRY).
(ii) Rural Employment Gener¬ation Programme (REGP).
Answer. (i) The scheme which was started in 1993. The aim of the programme is to create self-employment opportunities for educated unemployed youth in rural areas and small towns. They are helped in setting up small business and industries.
(ii) Rural Employment Generation Programme (REGP)
The aim of the programme is to create self employment opportunities in rural areas and small towns and to develop entrepreneurial skill and attitude among rural unemployed youth.
Question.3. Mention any two causes of poverty in India.
Answer. (i) High growth rate of population.
(ii) Lack of job opportunities in the secondary sector.
Question.4. How can poverty be reduced in future in India ? Suggest any two points.
Answer. (i) Better Economic growth.
(ii) Increasing stress on universal free elementary education.
Question.5. “Poverty is a curse upon humanity.” Explain by giving two examples.[CBSE 2015]
Answer. (i) Poverty is a curse because most of the poor people live with a sense of helplessnes.
(ii) Poor people are debarred from the basic necessity if life, i.e. good health, drinking water etc.
What is poverty? [CBSE 2015]
Poverty is a situation in which a person is unable to get the minimum basic necessities of life, i.e., food, clothing and shelter for his or her sustenance.
Question 2.
What is mass poverty?
Mass poverty is a situation in which a large section of people in economy are deprived of the basic necessities.
Question 3.
What is BPL?
What is Poverty Line?
In India, the concept of Poverty line is used as a measure of absolute poverty. So BPL (Below Poverty Line) is a line which demarcate the people, who are living below the poverty from those, who are living above the poverty line.
Question 4.
Mention any two indicators of poverty.
Level of income.
Level of consumption.
Question 5.
Name any two poverty and unemployment alleviation programmes which have been initiated by the government to remove poverty and unemployment in rural areas.
The Rural Landless Employment Guarantee Programme.
Integrated Rural Development Programmer of IRDP.
Question 6.
What is the accepted average calorie requirement in India
(i) In rural areas
(ii) In urban areas
(iii) Why calorie requirement is higher in the rural areas?
(i) 2400 calories
(ii) 2100 calories
(iii) Since people living in rural areas engage themselves in more physical work, so calorie requirement in rural areas is higher than in the urban areas.
Question 7.
How is the poverty line estimated periodically? Name an organisation which is responsible for estimating poverty. [CBSE 2015]
The poverty line is estimated periodically by conducting sample surveys.
These surveys are carried out by the National Sample Survey Organisation. (NSSO).