English, asked by JAYANTHP8863, 8 months ago

Griffin was rather a lawless person.comment


Answered by nivabora539


Griffin's landlord disliked him and that is why he tried to eject him .In revenge Griffin Set Fire to the house and got away by removing his clothes thus he become a homeless wanderer, without clothes and without money and quite invisible.

As soon as closing time arrived Griffin went into a London store and was able to give himself the pleasure of clothing and feeding himself without regard to expense. then he went to Drury lane which was the centre of theatre world. there are he found a suitable shop and after a little later he came out of the shop wearing bandages, round his forehead ,dark glasses , false nose, Big bushy side whiskers and a large hat . To escape without being seen he attacked the shopkeeper from behind and robbed all the money he could find .

when he had finished all the money stolen from the shopkeeper,he robbed a clergy man who lived in a local in in the village of Iping.He event attacked the innkeeper and his wife when they entered his room to investigate. later, when the constable come to arrest him, Griffin throw off his clothes and there by became invisible and ran away .

from the incidents, we can comment that though Griffin was a brilliant scientist he was rather lawless person .

Answered by theheartnottaken


Generally a scientist used to be a man of society. He does for the cause of people and societies. But in case of Griffin whatever he discovered was all for only. He utilised his invention for his own benefit.

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