haloalkanes react with kcn to from alkyl cyanides is main product while agcn forms isocyanide as main product explain
KCN is predominantly ionic and provides cyanide ions in solution. Although both carbon and nitrogen atoms of CN can donate electron pairs but the attack takes place mainly through carbon atom and not through nitrogen atom because C-C bond is more stable than C-N bond. However AgCN is mainly covalent in nature and nitrogen is free to donate electron pair forming isocyanide as the main product.
In contrast to AgCN, which produces isocyanides as the major result, Haloalkanes interact with KCN to produce alkyl cyanides.
Since AgCN is primarily covalent in nature, nitrogen was free to contribute an electron pair to haloalkanes, which forms the major product, isocyanides.
The ionic nature of KCN, on the other hand, results in the presence of cyanide ions in the solution. Cyanide ions are present in solution because KCN is mostly ionic.
Although both the nitrogen and carbon atoms are able to donate two electrons, the attack primarily happens through the carbon atom rather than the nitrogen atom because the C—C bond is much more stable than the C—N link. As a result, the principal product of the attack is an alkyl cyanide.