Happiness machine diary entry by leoauffman
Diary entry of happiness machine by Leoauffman
Step by step explanation:
Dated: 11/04/2020
Dear Diary,
I did not realised what I missing until the machine got destroyed. My happiness was around me. I ignored it my whole life. If Lena and my son wouldn't have cried after coming out of it, I might have never realised my mistake. Everything in that machine was unrealistic. A person would never find such amusement unless he finds himself from what he has.
Henceforth, I will take care of my family and I will share my time with them. A machine can never provide the happiness that we have with us. Iknow most of my time had been wasted but further I won't repeat my same mistake.
Signing off,
Learn more about Happiness machine here:
11. Write the Diary of Leo auff man in the story" The happiness machine
when he complete the happiness machines?