HCF of 90 and 105 in division method
HCF of 90 and 105 is 15
HCF of 90 and 105 is the highest number that divides 90 and 105 exactly leaving the remainder 0.
We will use two methods to find the HCF of 90 and 105.
HCF of 90 and 105 by Prime Factorization
HCF of 90 and 105 by Listing the Common Factors
Method 1: Find HCF of 90 and 105 by Prime Factorization
Prime factorization of 90 is 2 × 3 × 3 × 5
Prime factorization of 105 is 3 × 5 × 7
The common factor in the prime factorization of 90 and 105 are 3 and 5.
HCF is the product of the factors that are common to each of the given numbers.
So, HCF of 906 and 690 is 3 × 5 = 15
Method 2: Find HCF of 90 and 105 by Listing the Common Factors
The factors of 90 and 105 are shown below.
HCF of 90 and 105
The common factors of 90 and 105 are 1, 3, 5 and 15.
The highest common factor of 90 and 105 is 15.
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