English, asked by Ninacutie, 1 year ago

Hello.Give a nice proverb and give a essay on it.


Answered by Anonymous
Hey There,


Proverb :- In The Name Only

In The Name Only

India is an immense country with a lot of heterogeneity. India earned it's freedom at 12:02 am on 15 August, 1947. When the whole world was sleeping India awoke into freedom.On the same day Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru delivered his famous speech 'Tryst with Destiny' saying, "Long years ago, we made a tryst with destiny, and now the time comes when we shall redeem our pledge, not wholly or in full measure, but very substantially. At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom. A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends, and when the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance. It is fitting that at this solemn moment we take the pledge of dedication to the service of India and her people and to the still larger cause of humanity."

Seventy years have passed since then, we have renowned our independence, but where is freedom, in the name only. After passing seventy long years of independence India is still in the grip of poverty. Even having a ravaging rate of economical growth India is still archaic. Today, our sisters and our mothers are terrified. In India according to National Crime Report Bureau popularly known as NCRB 92 women are assaulted every day. And what is our strength that India is a peaceful country but, it is our hipocrisy, again according to NCRB on an average more than 45000 peoples are mudered annually in India and this figure is highest among the world. Also an iteresting fact that must be noted that forty percent of India is under military control. These areas include areas of naxalities, maosits, dacoits and a very few percentage of Indian border, and we say that India is full of peace.

India is in a dire need of a change and we the students of India shall be the first to start this revolution because we are the future of India. If we want to make a change, we shall be the change. Don't aim to change the society, don't aim to change the community, don't aim to change your neighbors, don't aim to change your parents, don't aim to change your friends, aim only to change yourself. Make yourelf the instrument of the change. Our leaders waited for none they stood alone and everybody joined them. India achieved it's freedom in darkness at midnight with an aim to glorify the world, lets behold this aim and thrive our nation among the world.

Where is freedom In The Name Only.


Hope it helps ^_^


Answered by Fuschia
Proverb - 'We Live In Deeds Not In Years'

                            "WE LIVE IN DEEDS NOT IN YEAR"

In fact life is not measured by number of years we live in the world.It is measured by our work that we do in life.If a man spends his life in idleness then the life is not worth living.It is not the years but the deeds that count. Length of life does not make life perfect and better.Perfection in life is not judged by its length.But it is always judged by noble deeds.A short life of grace and beauty is better than a lengthy life of no glorious deeds.

Everyone wants to live long.But long life is useless if spent in idleness.A man does not do much in the long period of his life.It is only a small fraction of life that he does something great. So this small part of life is superior to a long life of idleness.

To burn for a moment is better than throwing smoke for hours.Jesus Christ, Alexander, Keats, Kennedy lived for a short time. But they sparked like gems.They did something great that others could not imagine to do even in a long life of hundred years.We forget those who do nothing for the world while people who have done great deeds live in our minds even after their death.

Our life must be full of action.We should be ready to face hardships if we want to shine in the world.We must avoid life of ease and comfort. An idle mind is vacant.He doesn't contribute to the society rather he thinks of his own comfort.

Life without ideals is nothing. All great men have some ideals in mind. Mahatma Gandhi and Lenin had the ideal of serving their nations. Keats inspired himself to get success in English poetry.

Life is short; we have to do a lot of work.We should not waste a single moment in idleness. A short life of glory is really worth living. So it is said "We Live In Deeds Not In Year"

SresthaAbhi: waj ji!! this is supercool di!! fabulous...inspiring!!! keep rocking wid ur answers!!
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