History, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

Hey Guys ⭐⭐

⭐ Tell me about Emergency Which is Applied By Indra gandhi .

Need Quality AnsweR & No Spam !!. ✖✖

Minimum Words Required 350 !!


Answered by bepositive10
The declaration of ‘emergency’ meant suspension of freedoms and fundamental rights. The Govt was run by the PM under Presidential fiats viz ordinances. It virtually gave dictatorial' powers to the PM, as the President acted as per her advice.
Censorship was imposed, criticism was totally muted and anyone in opposition was jailed. Some extra-constitutional confidants, of PM, especially Sanjay Gandhi and his clique, ran amok. In short, democracy was suffocated and many horrible things happened.
But trains, plains and buses ran on time and bureaucracy worked. In many ways, the common man was served better and India worked!
I am not going into the circumstances that forced Indira Gandhi to take this drastic step, as it is beyond the scope of the question.
It stands to the credit of Mrs Gandhi that she revoked the Emergency and called for new Elections in under two years. There was no compulsion for her to do so. She was roundly defeated and hauled over the coals and humiliated.
It was a dark chapter but also speaks of the strength and resilience of Indian democracy'.
Mark me as brainlist....

bepositive10: plz message me first
bepositive10: actually I can't
bepositive10: it shows error
bepositive10: same
bepositive10: oo
bepositive10: ooh
Answered by chica32


A state of emergency in India refers to a period of governance under an altered constitutional setup that can be proclaimed by the President of India, when he/she perceives grave threats to the nation from internal and external sources or from financial situations of crisis. Under the advice of the cabinet of ministers and using the powers vested in him/her largely by Part XVIII of the Constitution of India, the President can overrule many provisions of the constitution, which guarantee fundamental rights to the citizens of India and acts governing devolution of powers to the states which form the federation. In the history of independent India, a state of emergency has been declared thrice.

The first instance was between 26 October 1962 to 10 January 1968 during the India-China war, when "the security of India" was declared as being "threatened by external aggression".[1] The second instance was between 3 December 1971 to 21 March 1977, which was originally proclaimed during the Indo-Pakistan war. It was later extended along with the third proclamation between 25 June 1975 to 21 March 1977 under controversial circumstances of political instability under Indira Gandhi's prime ministership, when "the security of India" was declared as being "threatened by external aggression".[1] The phrase Emergency period used loosely, when referring to the political history of India, often refers to the third and the most controversial of the three occasions.

The President can declare three types of emergencies — national, state and financial emergency.

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