English, asked by ayush441, 1 year ago

heya did really love exists?

DiyaDebeshee: btw gr8 question


Answered by Anonymous
Hello friend!

Yes friend love really exists. Because it's a feeling. Now a days people think that love doesn't exist this is just because of lack of loyalness, nothing else. Love is a feeling it always exist. I hope this helped you.

ayush441: why give reason
thenextbigthing: yes it does . i love a girl . not because of her appearance but from my heart .
Shashank9999: a pikinavle
simaswpat: no.....m never
ayush441: that's good
Shashank9999: yeah I know
Answered by DiyaDebeshee
love only exists when others will love u......... and when u will get that feeling that someone really loves u,cares u and will take that forever in your life.
loving someone is not by looking someone face and comment at him or her but its of how he or she behaves with u.

DiyaDebeshee: how is my answer??
ayush441: great
thenextbigthing: u r absolutely right
DiyaDebeshee: tnx
thenextbigthing: welcome
surbhi16: very great ans.
surbhi16: really awesome
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