▶I want an awesome essay on the topic 'energy crisis in the world'.
words limitations: 600 words.
Energy is the most important requirement for economic development and social transformation for all the countries in the world.
It is a vital input in fields of production. We need more energy to produce more.
One can say that economic development and prosperity of a nation largely depends upon the availability of energy.
Energy is required to do all kinds of works. We need energy to drive vehicles, to cook food, to run factories even for keeping ourselves fit.
In old days man largely depended on coal. But coal once used cannot be put to use again. So man found crude oil.
Electricity is generated from water. But sufficient water is not available everywhere. Both coal and crude oil are limited in quantity.
Thus, we have to think of using these items in the minimum possible manner.
In today’s world when rapid success is being achieved in the field of science and technology, industries are also growing speedily.
But industrialisation will not take place, if there is no energy available to run our factories and industries.
Therefore, one of the major concerns of the world today is to increase the availability of energy by producing more energy.
This is done by tapping new sources of energy as well as by conserving energy because energy saved is energy generated.
One way of looking at the difference between the prosperity of rich (developed) and the poor (both developing and under-developed) countries is to see how much energy they consume.
While the developed countries consume more than 85 per cent of the amount of energy available in the world, the developing and the under-developed nations use only the remaining 15 percent of energy.
It is needless to add here that it is developing and under-developed countries who need energy for their survival, economic growth, self-reliance and to raise the standard of living of their people.
The great success India has achieved in the fields of industry, transport and agriculture has been possible only because of ready availability of cheaper energy: Yet the energy scene in Indian today is far from being satisfactory.
The present per capita commercial energy consumption is only about a tenth of the world’s average consumption of energy. It also, in a way, is one of the reasons of our low level of income.
Energy crisis is basically a term used to describe a condition when the supply of energy is far less than the actual demand of an economy ie energy supply runs out of our demands.Due to which cost in the supply of energy resources to an economy get increases.
There are many reasons due to which our country even the whole world is facing the energy crisis
1. Increasing population-As the population increases the demand of energy for various activities also increases .
2. Lack of well developed alternative source of energy-There are substitutes like the unconventional sources of energy like the wind energy,sound energy,geothermal energy etc. But they need to be well researched over for mass scale use.
3. Lack of awareness in people regarding saving energy-People are careless when it comes about saving energy.The point is actually about optimum utilisation of energy and not contributing in its wastage.The best precidence is lights and fan which are kept ON in absence of any person in the room
hope it helps