Science, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

hi friends
write an essay on parents


Supernikk: Your pick is too good
Anonymous: so


Answered by hahaheehee
 My Parents: My Best Friends- Growing up, my mother and father always told me that they were my best friends and no matter what they would always be there for me. At such a young age, I went through many stages in my life were I disagreed with what they told me. I would go through times where I said I hated them so much for punishing me, enforcing rules, and keeping me from doing the things that I wanted. At the time, they were the last people I would consider my friends. However, as I have grown and matured with age, I have come to realize one thing I never did before; my parents are my best friends. With their love and guidance, my parents have had a tremendous impact on the person I am today. 
             From the ages of 12 to 16, I considered myself a rebellious wild child. In school, I was enrolled in honors courses and excelled in all of them with very high grades. I thought because of my outstanding grades, I could defy my parents' rules and guidelines all that I wanted. However, as I soon came to realize, my parents were the ones in charge and took very sharp measures in punishing me for my actions. I would constantly rebel even further when I could not get my way. In the process of my rebellion stage, some of my careless and thoughtless actions hurt my parents very badly. They would continue to talk with me and try to be there for me as I would go though friends, jobs, and experience failures. I would listen to them and sometimes take their advice, but never really considered them my friends.
Answered by ronitchopra
The bond between parents and children is incredibly strong. A main reason is that parents and children are linked because of their ties of blood. This unique tie distinguishes it from any other interpersonal relationships. The love between parents and children is special. It grows for so many years without judgment, without limit. Our parents simply love us beyond all bounds. They love all the things belong to us, not only our strengths and gifts but also our weaknesses and faults. This strong love is from parent's hearts, there is no interests mixed in it at all. It is such a pure and exquisite emotion that parents will do things for their children that no one else would dream of. They give completely selfless devotion to their children. You could ask a parent if he or she would cut off an arm for a child and without hesitation, even thinking, he or she would answer yes. You could also ask a mother about her rage if someone does her children harm. I think it will be an unusual rage that we who don't have such experience can imagine. We often see and hear some moving things, for example, one mother saved her child desperately in an sudden accident, regardless of her own life. This is what we called great love of mother, I think.

I think parents are the most important factor in their children's lives. Whether they are with their children two hours a day or twelve, parents are special to children. They make the most difference during their childhood. Furthermore, they make the great impact on the rest of their lives. As I have mentioned above, parent's love towards their children is a strong feeling that it is even beyond life. But usually they keep this beyond-life feeling deep in their minds. What parents do most for their children are ordinary, small and mundane. It is true that parents are the first teachers in their children's lives. They, as living examples, influence their children little by little, step by step. Mostly, they help children conduct their daily lives, help them with their manners, with homework, with habits, with their sense of right and wrong, of justice and morals. They teach their children in the ways that they can understand, for instance, through discipline, play, explanation and talking. Take me as an example, when I was a little girl, my mother asked me to set the table every evening. This helped me to know "to gain something, you should also put in your work". And when I grew up a little, my parents let me feed a cat at home. At the same time, I learned about the responsibilities that come with ownership. You see, it was through these small and common things, I have learnt the codes of conduct and developped my attitude towards life.

Education of family is always a hot topic. Regarding that nuclear family have become to dominate the family forms in today's society, education of family turns out to be more and more important. Here, I just want to mention one point, that is, as the unique and special people in their children's lives, parents need to spend as much time as possible with their children. By this, I don't mean that parents should spend twenty-four hours a day with children. In today's society, everyone is busy making their lives, especially our parents. To improve the standard of the whole family, they have to devote themselves to their work. And of course, they all need time for themselves. So, some parents would leave their children to the babysitter or to the day care center. But you see, babysitters come and go; day care center staffs turn over regularly whereas parents are the constant presence in a child's life. Nobody can take its place in children's minds.

Being parents doesn't only mean providing children for material comforts, what parents should do is to have more and better time to be with their children. In my opinion, a good parent ought to try to talk with their children and exchange thoughts with them more often. Father and mother should learn to stand in children's shoes, to fully understand them. This is very important for both toddlers and young people like us. The key word, I think, is giving children the sense that they are the most important and precious treasures parents have. Of course, this doesn't equal spoiling children.

We say that family is special because of its constancy and staying power. Both parents and children are members of a family. We, as children, should not sit idle and enjoy the fruits of our parent's work, we should also give our love and respect to our parents. Only when both sides realize this, a harmonious family can be made.

Hope this will help you........
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