Biology, asked by ad4106787, 1 year ago

How are the Mendel's experiment show that traits are inherited independently?


Answered by anki05
Mendel performed an experiments in which he took a tall plant with round seeds and a short plant with wrinkled-seeds. In F1, They were all tall and had round seeds. Tallness and round seeds were thus dominant traits. When, he used these F1 progeny to generate F2 progeny by self-pollination, he found that some F2 progeny were tall plants with round seeds, and some were short plants with wrinkled seeds. At the same time there tall plants, but had wrinkled seeds, while others were short, but had round seeds. Thus, Mendel’s experiments show that the tall/short trait and the round seed/wrinkled seed trait are independently inherited.
Hope it helps
Answered by Gourypriya
When Mendel first crossed pure bred peaplants plants having round yellow seeds with pure bred peaplants having wrinkled green seeds he found that round yellow seeds were produced in the first generation and no wrinkled green seeds were obtainedin the F1 generation.from this it was concluded that round shape and yellow colour of the seeds were dominant traits over wrinkled shape and green colour of the seeds.

When the F1 generation pea plants having round yellow seeds were crossbreed by self pollination. The four types of seeds having different combinations of shape and colour were obtained in second generation .They were round yellow ,round green ,wrinkled yellow and wrinkled green seeds.
Such a cross bred is known as dihybrid cross as two sets of corresponding characters are considered.Thus the ratio of F2 generation is 9:3:3:1.
9 round yellow seeds
3round green
3 wrinkled yellow
1 wrinkled green.

Thus the ratio of each phenotype of the seeds in the F2 generation is 9:3:3:1. Mendel observed that round yellow and wrinkled green are two new combination of characteristics that had appeared in this generation . On the basis of this observation Mendel concluded that though the two pairs of original characteristics combine in F1 generation ,they get separated and behave independently in subsequent generation.

Hope it helps..
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