how brain Hamburg occur
by taking a lots of tensions your mind... ..
A cerebral hemorrhage is a type of a stroke. It is caused by the artery in the brain and cause rupture hemorrhage located in the surrounding tissues.
With Many other reasons ,to put some obivious reason in simple language is Hypertension (BP) and blood clot blockage of vains/Nerves.
Now the hyper tension cause is Worries and Anxieties which are never Resolved by Modern Medicine as there is No consideartion of MInd in Modern medicines (i.e. Feelings,Emotions,sensations,Loves,Hates,Greeds,Humiliations,suppressed emotions,Suppressed angers)
there fore you must forget treating it with Modern medicines ,Homeopathy is far ahead of Medical science wihich gives 1 st Importance to this aspect.
Here in Homeo ,Person who is to be treated IS most imoprtant for Homeo than the Name of the Disease. And the person is Not only the Physical body that is tangible but the MInd (Personality) which is Intangible.