how can I start pledge on swachta
Answered by
Swachh Pledge
Now it is our duty to serve Mother India by keeping the country neat and clean. I take this pledge that I will remain committed towards cleanliness and devote time for this. I will devote 100 hours per year, that is two hours per week, to voluntarily work for cleanliness.
स्वच्छ प्रतिज्ञा
अब हमारा कर्तव्य है कि देश को साफ और स्वच्छ रखकर भारत माता की सेवा करें। मैं यह संकल्प लेता हूं कि मैं स्वच्छता के लिए प्रतिबद्ध रहूंगा और इसके लिए समय दूंगा। मैं स्वच्छता के लिए स्वैच्छिक रूप से काम करने के लिए प्रति वर्ष 100 घंटे प्रति सप्ताह दो घंटे समर्पित करूंगा।
Answered by
Swachh Pledge
Now it is our duty to serve Mother India by keeping the country neat and clean. I take this pledge that I will remain committed towards cleanliness and devote time for this. I will devote 100 hours per year, that is two hours per week, to voluntarily work for cleanliness.
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