How can the dreary sand of dead habit affect the clear stream of reason? Explain on the basis of where the mind is without fear .
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CBSE Class–VI Subject Science
NCERT Solutions
Question 1. Fill in the blanks:
(a) Joints of the bones help in the --------------- of the body.
(b) A combination of bones and cartilages forms the --------- of the body.
(c) The bones at the elbow are joined by a -------- joint.
(d) The contraction of the ---------- pulls the bones during movement.
Answer: (a) Joints of the bones help in the movement of the body.
(b) A combination of bones and cartilages forms the skeleton of the body.
(c) The bones at the elbow are joined by hinge joint.
(d)The contraction of the muscle pulls the bones during movement.
Question 2. Indicate True (T) and False (F) among the following sentences:
(a) The movement and locomotion of all animals is exactly the same.
(b) The cartilages are harder than bones.
(c) The finger bones do not have joints.
(d) The fore arm has two bones.
(e) Cockroaches have an outer skeleton.
Answer: (a)F, (b)F, (c)F, (d)T, (e)T
Question 3. Match the items in Column I with one or more items of Column II.
Column I Column II
Upper jaw have fins on the body.
Fish has an outer skeleton.
Ribs can fly in the air.
Snail is an immovable joint
by penis taking in the hands