Social Sciences, asked by arunesh2, 1 year ago

how can you control overuse of power resource ?write relevant steps to conserve the power resource.


Answered by krishna12gunjal
To conserve electricity 1) you should check that all the electronic appliances are off when not in use.

arunesh2: i need more than 10 points
Anonymous: Plz elaborate ur ans
Answered by Anonymous
We can control over use of resources by adopting the following ways :-
• By Sustainable form of dovelopment.
We have to use our resources wisely and judiciously use for urself and leave for the future generations so that they can also enjoy these resources that we does today.And remember one quote:-

"Earth has enough to full fill all our needs not our greeds."

• Excessive use of resources harms nature as well creating pollution so we should use environment friendly resources.
• Energy Resources like coal and petroleum causes a lot of Pollution harming and damaging our mother Earth and they r non renewable as well it means that if it's once gone, then it's gone forever. So instead of them we can use CNG gas which is quite less less Polluting but this also non renewable so there's a solution to this that we can use alternative sources of energy which are renewable and r in abundance.


• Solar Energy :-
There are various ways of using solar energy like :-
=> Solar cookers - we can make solar cookers at home also. It's a good way of saving energy. In solar cookers, we can cook food, boil water,etc. It can be used in villages where there is less availability of cooking stoves.
=> Solar Panels - Solar panels are made up of a no. of solar cells made up of high grade silicon. It's a very effective way of saving energy and can be used effectively where there is abundance of sunlight. We can generate electricity through it and use it in nearby places.

• Hydro Energy - it is run by high speed flowing water. We fit a generator in dams and create Energy in form of electricity.
• Tidal energy - it is used in places where there is frequent occurrence of low and high tides.

• Wind Energy - it is set up in places where there is availability of fast flowing winds. There's a wind farm with a no of windmills.

And fortunately we Indians r blessed with a variety of seasons and climatic conditions.

• Thermal & Geothermal Energy
• Ocean Energy

• Biogas plants - Also known as gobargas popularly in many places, is very very useful way for saving and creating energy. It is used mostly in villages. In this, all cattle waste, kitchen waste and agricultural waste r compressed in a compressor and all gas is squeezed out of it and can be used to generate electricity, run automobiles, etc. And the remaining resedue can be used as a very good manure for agriculture. It means that there's full use and no wastage with no side effects.


•Promotion of energy conservation and increased use of renewable energy sources are twin planks of sustainable energy.

As concerned citizens we can do our bit by
• using public transport system instead of individual vehicles
• switching off electricity when not in use
• using power saving devices
• using non conventional sources of energy.
After all "Energy saved is Energy produced"

Hope it helps
If u want me to add anything else then do let me know in comments

Anonymous: Is that wt u wished?
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