how did bruce lee died
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On July 20, 1973, Lee was in Hong Kong,due to have dinner with former James Bond star George Lazenby, with whom he intended to make a film.They worked until 4 P.M. and then drove together to the home of Lee's collegue Betty Ting Pei, a Taiwanese actress who was to have a leading role in the film.A short time later, Lee complained of a headache, and Ting Pei gave him an analgesic. At around 7:30 P.M., he laid down for a nap. After Lee did not turn up for the dinner, Chow came to the apartment but could not wake Lee up. A doctor was summoned, who spent ten minutes attempting to revive him before sending him by ambulance to Queen Elizabeth Hospital. However, Lee was dead by the time he reached the hospital. There was no visible external injury; however, his brain had swollen considerably, from 1,400 to 1,575 grams (13%). Lee was thirty-two years old. On October 15, 2005, Chow stated in an interview that Lee was allergic to Equagesic. When the doctors announced Bruce Lee's death officially, it was coined as "Death by Misadventure."
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Bruce Lee died on July 20, 1973 at the age of 32 from a brain aneurysm. It was before the release of his last movie, Enter the Dragon.Bruce Lee's DeathBruce starred in Enter the Dragon, made by Warner Brothers, which was the most successful martial arts movie of all time. In fact, his hand strikes were so fast, the camera speed had to be adjusted.On July 20, 1973, Bruce had a headache and was given a prescription for Equagesic. After taking it, he lapsed into a coma and could not be revived. A coroner’s inquest determined that he had a severe allergic reaction to one of the ingredients in the painkiller. This reaction caused an increase in the cerebrospinal fluid on the brain, and he died that same day at the age of 32.Bruce Lee had two children with Linda Emery, Brandon and Shannon. A funeral ceremony was held in Hong Kong, attended by over 25,000 people. Bruce wore the Chinese outfit he had worn in Enter the Dragon. A smaller ceremony was held in Seattle, Washington where his body is interred. Pall bearers included James Coburn, Steve McQueen, and his brother, Robert Lee
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