English, asked by ishmeetk16721, 1 year ago

How did mr.hall react to griffin's stay at the inn?


Answered by Vanijeev2


uneducated so the concept of having an invisibility in the vicinity seems tobe believable to them.

Chapter 

Q6. 2h" is Te''/ He$#r/ a$' h", '"es he react t" the prese$ce"# Mr *ri+$ i$ the i$$

Ans. Teddy Henfry is a cloc$ repairman who comes to visit the inn for a cup of tea. rs. Hall as$s him to repair the cloc$ in the strangers room.  Teddy deliberately ta$es as long as he can with the cloc$& ta$ing it apart and reassembling it for no reason as he wanted to get some information.  The stranger nally gets angry and as$s him to hurry up and leave. 01ended& Teddy starts believing that the stranger must be a criminal wanted by the police and is wrapped up to conceal his identity. Teddy runsinto r. Hall and warns him about the stranger& informing him that the stranger intends to stay for a long time as his has a lot of luggage coming. Teddy is a character typical of the other people of the town. He wants to $now the mans story& and when he is snubbed for his in"uiries& he begins to imagine all sorts of things.

Q7. Describe the eeti$% bet,ee$ Te''/ He$#r/ a$' Mr. Ha!!. 2h/ has the a3th"r i$c!3'e'


s3ch i$"r i$ci'e$ts i$ the st"r/

Ans. Teddy Henfry meets r. Hall while returning from the inn after mending rs. Halls parlour cloc$. He is visibly upset because of the rudeness and curtness shown by 2ri3n. He tells r Hall that his wife had made a mista$e by $eeping the strange loo$ing man in the inn. He tries toconvince r Hall that their guest was e!tremely weird and horrible loo$ingand could spell trouble for them. %uch minor characters as well as the incident have been included in the story to give a realistic picture of the society as well as the time. Iping being a small village& it was "uite common that any ma4or or minor news would spread li$e wild re. 5eople loved to tal$ and gossip6 they had lot of time at their hand and too$ $een interest in everyones life. The conversation between Teddy and r. Hall also shows their bac$ground andlac$ of education.

Q.8 *ie a character setch "# Te''/ He$#r/.Q9. *ie a character setch "# Mr. Ha!!.

Chapter 

Q:. 2hat happe$s a#ter *ri+$;s !3%%a%e is br"3%ht b/ <eare$si'e

Ans. As soon as the luggage arrives at the inn 2ri3n shows his impatience. 5eople are really astonished to see the type and the amount of luggage. It includes bo!es containing boo$s& a large number of crates containing glass bottles and many other items. He is desperate to ta$e them in his room and start his e!periment. However& as soon as he comes down he is attac$ed by cart man 7earensides dog. The dog tears open


his trouser leg with his teeth and 2ri3n immediately runs to his room. r Hall follows him to his room and tries to o1er help but 2ri3n pushes him out of his room vehemently which really shoc$s and surprises r Hall. He also gets a glimpse of 2ri3ns strange white face and a handless arm. 2ri3n comes bac$ after changing his trousers and directs 7earenside to carry the luggage to his room.

Q10. Describe the 'esperati"$ a$' #r3strati"$ i$ the behai"3r "# *ri+$ 2hat '"es it sh",

Ans. The moment his luggage arrives at the inn& r 2ri3n shows his impatience to ta$e everything to his room and begin with his wor$. He does not bother to remove the straw from the carpet which really upsets rs Hall. He starts performing e!periments without any delay and remainsengrossed in his wor$ for most of the day. He ma$es it very clear to her that he does not want to be interrupted and disturbed. rs Hall can at times hear his angry and frustrated voice& his frantic movements and pacing in the room. 0nce in a while he brea$s into violent rage and throwsglass bottles on the 8oor. 9ater when she points out the stain on the 8oor and the bro$en glass& he tells her to put in on his bill. This behavior shows that 2ri3n is unable to do what he is aiming for and thus gets violent and irritated.

Chapter 5

Q11 H", 'i' Mr Ha!! react t" *ri+$;s sta/ at the i$$ &C"ach a$' H"rses

Ans. r Hall was e!tremely unhappy with his wifes decision of $eeping the stranger in the inn. He disli$ed 2ri3ns arrogant attitude and his complete disregard for everyone present. The people around him including Teddy Henfry also tried to discourage him in this matter. They felt that rs Hall was being too trustworthy and stranger could not be trusted at all. r Hall tried to convince his wife but he was a wea$ person and his wife was "uite forceful. rs Hall also told her husband that the stranger was paying all his bills on time& which was "uite good. %he also told him that it was "uite di3cult to get a paying guest during winter season so they should allow him to stay at the inn. r Hall had to accepts the arguments given by his wife in spite of his unwillingness.

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