English, asked by vaibhav8093, 7 months ago

How do Derry's parents add to his feelings of insecurity?
ch= On face of it
class = 12


Answered by dvngtrip85

Q1. Who is Derry? What self-opinion does he hold?

Derek, also called Derry was a young boy of 14. He was a quiet, shy and defiant boy. One side of his face was totally burnt by acid. He was a victim of an inferiority complex.

Q2. ‘I am not afraid, people are afraid of me’, why does Derry say so?

Derry lives in a cocoon of  complexes – due to his burnt face – isolated himself – don’t mix up – considers his burnt face `an unpleasant sight` - people are afraid of

Q3. Mr. Lamb says to Derry; ‘it’s all relative, beauty and the beast’, what essentially does he mean by that?

Mr. Lamb means to say that different people have different view pints to look at the same thing. Some find one thing beautiful, others find it ugly. It all depends on outlook and attitude. It is, therefore, important to adopt a positive attitude towards everything just like the Princess Beauty who loved the monstrous Beast in the fairy tale. The point is that what you look like, but what you are inside.

Q4 What does Derry know about the fairy tale ‘Beauty and the Beast’? Why is he not convinced by its moral?

-Derry had heard the tale; Beauty liked the monstrous Beast; when she kissed he turned into a handsome prince; moral was not how you look outside but how you look inside is important; Derry was not convinced as even if someone kissed he would never change and his mother always kissed him only on the other cheek

Q5Mr. Lamb has successfully learned to cope with his loneliness. How?

    *keeps busy by gardening, rearing bees, making apple jam etc. Also

keeps windows and doors open, welcomes all companies.  

Q6. What did Derry’s mothers think of Mr. Lamb?


Why did Derry’s mother stop him, going to Mr. Lamb?

Derry’s mother does not hold a good opinion about Mr. Lamb. She had heard many things about the old man, therefore stops Derry to visit Mr. Lamb.

Q7. How does Lamb try to remove the baseless fears of Derry?

Mr. Lamb influences Derry – his optimistic philosophy – advised him not to give attention on other’s comments – try to be internally pure and strong – eliminate the negativity of life.

Q8. Comment on the moral value of the play

The moral of the play is very loud and clear. The physically disabled  should focus on the brighter side of life and not to brood over the shortcomings.  The society should accept them as they are and expand their social interactions .In this way they can fight out the loneliness, depression and disappointment.

Q9“When I look in the mirror...I’m afraid of me.” Why does Derry say so?

*burn scar on his face, curious looks by people make him conscious,                                          

avoids meeting others, sour experiences have made him bitter.  

Q10What is ironical about his mother’s behaviour towards Derry?  

*her over-protective attitude stops Derry from meeting new people, discourages him, instead of making him brave – makes him timid.  

Q11 “It’s got nothing to do with my face and what I look like.” What attitudinal change do Derry’s words to his mother indicate?

*Derry attitude is now positive & he looks forward to a better life, no longer hiding from others

Q12Though the play ends with Mr. Lamb’s death there is still an element of hope. Explain.

*positive change in Derry’s attitude by Mr. Lamb will be permanent,

his life will get better. Mr. Lamb has passed his knowledge and philosophy to younger generation. Though Mr. Lamb is physically dead, but his ideas will remain alive in Derry’s heart.  

Q13. What is it that draws Derry towards Mr. Lamb?

*Lamb makes Derry feel comfortable, doesn’t question him about his disability, instills confidence in him, is a good friend to him

Q14Why does Mr. Lamb leave his gate always open?

(a) – happy to have visitors / children to come there for apples, pears and

toffees / to overcome his feeling of loneliness


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