how do we benefit from sports
HEYA _____
⏩ Better Sleep
Fast Company suggests that exercise and sport triggers chemicals in the brain that can make you feel happier and relaxed. Team sports provide a chance to unwind and take part in an activity that improves your fitness. If you play sports outside, you can benefit from fresh air which is said to promote a good night’s sleep.
⏩ A Strong Heart
Your heart is a muscle and needs frequent exercise to help it keep fit and healthy. A healthy heart can pump blood efficiently around your body. Your heart will improve in performance when it is regularly challenged with exercise. Stronger hearts can improve overall health of the body.
Benefits of Sports for Adolescents
Many athletes do better academically. Playing a sport requires a lot of time and energy. ...
Sports teach teamwork and problem-solving skills. ...
Physical health benefits of sports. ...
Sports boost self-esteem. ...
Reduce pressure and stress with sports.