Math, asked by Amritansh12, 1 year ago

How does internet works?


Answered by Anonymous

            The working of Internet

Internet: When the two or more computers are connected with each other, then the network is formed. In simple language, This network is called as Internet. We use internet for entertainment, online shopping, education, e-learning, browsing, social media etc. Internet is essential need of today's people. But Most of us don't know about the working of internet. Let's see The working of internet.

First step: Let's take an example of Google search. And, Suppose we search for "Brainly" on Google search bar. Now, Our search request is first reviewed by our Phone Operating system. The OS of phone/pc/laptop converts the request in Binary codes: 0,1. Our request of Google search is now in the form of Binary codes 0 and 1. Now, This binary codes are released from our phone in the form of electric wave/signal and sent to our router or tower of ISP. Now, Your request is either in your router or in tower depending upon what you are using WiFi or ISP internet.

Second step: The signals and information inside the router and tower is sent to their organisation. Each city have particular office/building which manages the work of WiFi and Internet. So, Your Google search request is now inside the city management office. We know that, Our routers are connected with some cables. From where these cables comes?. The answer is Network management office. Your request of Google search is now sent from the office to companies located at ocean coasts.

Third step: The cables of network from the organisation in city are connected with the companies present at the coast of oceans. Now, Your Google search request is present near these companies. There are various companies that manages this work. Once these companies get the network cables from the city, They spread these cables all over the world. i.e. Through oceans. This cables are called as "Optics Cables". These cables are spread through all over the world and majority in the oceans. So, Your Google search request is now in the optics fibers present in the ocean.

As said, This cables are connected with each other. So, As our request is to Google. Hence, The cables searches the Google. Actually, The cables don't search as "Google". But, They search for it's "IP address". Once they got the IP address of Google server, They passes our "Brainly" Google search request to Google server in the form of binary codes. Google sends the required result to our smartphone.

Fourth step: In this step, The result generated by Google are sent to our smartphones. This also occurs as above. Thing is that, In this The information is scripted. Now, results from Google server are sent to submarine cables or optics cables or network cables. From this cables to ocean coasts companies and companies to City network management office and from this office to our router.

So we can conclude that, All the internet is dependent on optics cables that are spread throughout the world. In short words, Our request on internet is sent to city network management offices through our router in the form of signals, city network management passes it to Ocean coasts network management companies. And from this companies to destination through optics cables.

Why different ISP have different network speeds?

- This is because of lot of traffic on single network transmitter or distance between user and transmitter. As we know that, The towers present in our cities are of different ISP's and for different purposes. Suppose, There is one tower in particular area, then the capacity of data transmitting of that tower is 10 TB/s. So, when the various users smartphones and devices are connected to the same tower, Then the network speed is divided into various groups and each user gets equal limit. And if the traffic is above the limit, then the network speed low down and that users get poor network experience.

Depending upon this, Different ISP's have different algorithms of data transmitting and hence, depending upon the network traffic, Speed of network is dependent.

Two sides of Internet:

The internet that we use normally is called as "Surface web internet". This internet is only 3% of the internet. The all remaining internet is called as "Deep web internet". This internet is 97% part of internet. But, No one can access this internet. Only special types of browsers like Tor can access this web. On this, All the illegal activities are done.

Learn more:

- 5G technology and it's working,availability, operators,speed, supporting devices, problems and benefits:

- Artificial intelligence and it's advantages, disadvantages, applications, programming languages used in it:

- Types of network with full explanation:

- Cloud computing and it's working and benefits:

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