English, asked by jayanthasreeCMA, 7 months ago

how does Nehru praise gandhi under 200 words​


Answered by sanjeevpatel20078


good morning dear sir

your answer is below


Well Jawaharlal Nehru was the first Prime Minister of India thanks to Mohandas Gandhi, given that 12 of 15 Congress committees voted for Sardar Patel to be the Prime Minister of India, this would be the single most praiseworthy think Nehru could think about Gandhi.

Nevertheless, we are getting into that debate but I want to shed some light into something which every Congress leader shy away from discussing and retort to blame RSS for Gandhi’s death.

On 29 January, a day before Gandhi was shot by Nathuram Godse, he said something about Congress party which shock the earth below Nehru’s feet. While one could speculate and even conclude that because of what he said on that day could be a major reason for his assassination.

Although these details might have been discussed in the period but still today Congress leaders are embarrassed about what Gandhi said, which was this:-

“Though split into two, India having attained political independence through means devised by the Indian National Congress, the Congress in its present shape and form, i. e., as a propaganda vehicle and parliamentary machine, has outlived its use. India has still to attain social, moral and economic independence in terms of its seven hundred thousand villages as distinguished from its cities and towns. The struggle for the ascendency of civil over military power is bound to take place in India’s progress towards its democratic goal. It must be kept out of unhealthy competition with political parties and communal bodies. For these and other similar reasons, the A. I. C. C. resolves to disband the existing Congress organization and flower into a Lok Sevak Sangh under the following rules with power to alter them as occasion may demand.”

Yes, you read it right.

Gandhi said Congress Party in India has outlived its purpose and should be disbanded so that other parties have a fair chance at elections in India.

This is not some quote cooked up by RSS or BJP but from Harijan under the title “His Last Will and Testament” and available right here on the page number 333:

The reason being other parties should have a fair chance at future election, but Nehru did not praise Gandhi’s wish.

The result which we saw, Congress Party ruled the country for more than 60 years since the independence, from Panchayat to States to Federal Govt.

Now was it a coincidence that the very next day Gandhi was assassinated, we should have all the answers.

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