How has multiculturalism help Egypt?
Egypt is a country with an immense diversity of Culture expressions and its government has always
believed strongly on the importance of working and living together.
Together, cultures could create a rich and strong tapestry and could be an engine for sustainable
development for individuals, communities and countries.
In Cairo as well as major cities in Egypt, a large number of old Egyptian traditions remain from the
time of the Pharaohs, and contrast with pure tribal customs brought in by many invaders throughout
the centuries. That contradiction and contrast between areas of Egypt is what makes the singularity
of the country as well as its culture’s features.
“Our rich diversity . . . is our collective strength.”0F
Therefore, the management of the richness and diversity of Culture in Egypt has been always
doubly balanced through:
The State:
(Within the Ministry of Culture):
The Supreme Council of Culture (SCC)
The Supreme Council for culture is the very high instance of Culture in Egypt. It was created in
1980 in substitution of the Supreme Council for Safeguarding of Arts, literature and Human
sciences that took place in 1956. This SCC acts as Advisory body for the government with
reference to cultural affairs and targets principally the development of Egypt's cultural policies, and
the stimulation of creativity in culture and arts domain.
The SCC consists on 61 members. Thirty-two are appointed by the state and the other members are
official representatives of relevant ministries and syndicates, as well as the heads of the Culture
Ministry departments.
The private sector:
Egyptian Civil Society Organizations
Civil society organizations have been prevalent in the Egyptian public sphere since the 19th
century. Its role has always been to complement the Egyptian government in providing social and
cultural services.
The Egyptian Civil Society Organizations have played an important role over the egyptian modern
history, they use to be a very important partner for Development and Democratie.
In the frame of the national policies set up by the Egyptian government, large and various measures
have been put in place with the aim of protecting and promoting the diversity of culture