How to append elements in Python tuple?
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How to append elements in Python tuple?
How to append elements in Python tuple?
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1 Answer
Malhar Lathkar
Malhar Lathkar
Answered on 15th Jan, 2018
Python tuple is an immutable object. Hence any operation that tries to modify it (like append) is not allowed. However, following workaround can be used.
First, convert tuple to list by built-in function list(). You can always append item to list object. Then use another built-in function tuple() to convert this list object back to tuple.
>>> T1=(10,50,20,9,40,25,60,30,1,56)
>>> L1=list(T1)
>>> L1
[10, 50, 20, 9, 40, 25, 60, 30, 1, 56]
>>> L1.append(100)
>>> T1=tuple(L1)
>>> T1
(10, 50, 20, 9, 40, 25, 60, 30, 1, 56, 100)
You can see new element appended to original tuple representation.
First, convert tuple to list by built-in function list(). You can always append item to list object. Then use another built-in function tuple() to convert this list object back to tuple. You can see new element appended to original tuple representation.